Chris Rowan
I wrote following article for discuss-lfm (live from mars) mail list on Thu Oct 24 '96..
We were VERY sophisticated with our measurements. Four giant steps was equal to 1 AU. So, one student (Earth) took four giant steps away from another student (Sun) to begin our human model of the solar system. That was easy enough. But how do we represent the distances between Mercury and the Sun? Between Venus and the Sun? We found out that we needed to find the AU for Mercury, which happens to be .387 AU This means Mercury is about 39% of the distance between Earth and the Sun. What is 39% of four steps?? Using a calculator, we found that 39% of 4 is 1.56, which is about 1 1/2 steps. We could do that. So we did it. We then found the AU's for all the other planets, and it wasn't long before we realized that we were going to have to take our human model of the solar system outside. For Pluto, we had to take 158 giant steps away from the Sun!! This makes a BIG impression on the kids, and they really enjoy it.
Thanks Chris! (Reprinted be courtesy of Chris)

Marilyn Kennedy
wrote following message for live from mars mailing list on Wed Oct 30 '96.
She is a 4 Th. grade teacher in Virginia.

re: Chris's activity with Scale We used Chris's ideas of 4 giant steps equals one AU. Our "giant" was a student with real special needs and boy was he so proud to be our giant AU. We did the activity outside and I am not sure who was more amazed at the distances involved, the students or me. Thank you Chris!!! Gosh we are having fun!! Marilyn Wall the midst of the learning process
Thank you Marilyn!!! (Reprinted be courtesy of Marilyn) I informed the above writing to Christine who is a student teacher in New Jersey. Her specialty is in elementary education. She will be able to teach children with special needs; mental retardation, autism, neurological disorders and so on. She would likes to works with these students. She gave to me following message on Nov 24 '97.
It was great! Dear Syu, I finally had time to do the project. I changed it a little. I made one AU equal to one meter so I could have the students place the planets in the hall of the school. My students were amazed at the distance diferential and size difference in the planets! I heard OOO's and Ahhhhh's all afternoon. Thank-you very much! Sincerely, Christine
Thanks Christine! (Reprinted be courtesy of Christine)

Carry out makes values. Don't use Internet as virtual reality game <*_->
