Japanese science text.

I posted below writing on discuss-sun mailing list. 

Subject: Japanese science text. Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 23:23:43 +0900 Hello all- I show you Japanese science text. (Grade 7-8) Observe motion of sun. Use half transparent hemisphere. (across 20-30cm)
Kye posted below writing on discuss-sun mailing list.
Subject: Re: Japanese science text. Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 08:27:08 -0500 Syu and All - Nice diagram of a way to directly observe the movement of the Sun! I tried this one a few years ago and found something that works really good for the clear half globe. In our area of the world there is a company that sells ladies stockings in plastic containers shaped like eggs. Some come with 1/2 clear. They are about 6 or 8 cm. in diameter. For something to make a shadow with inside the dome we took a tiny plastic action play figure (REALLY tiny!) and glued it to a piece of notepad board. Then we glued the 1/2 egg to the board. After getting the dome oriented (N/S) we made a mark on it once an hour where the top of the figure's shadow met our pen-tip's shadow. You could measure your latitude using this info (where the shadow was at local noon - when the Sun is due south) and compensating for the Sun's annual changes in latitude using something called an analema. Clear Skies, Kye Ewing **************************************************** Discover the Universe with the Event Inventor !!! Kye Ewing mail@kyes-world.com http://www.kyes-world.com ****************************************************
Thank you Kye for the nice posting. More Japanese science texts. seiza1.jpg, seizax.jpg Seiza means constellation in Japanese. Home